Terms & Conditions



·      Beginners can join by booking via https://dynamic-gymnastics-academy.class4kids.co.uk

·      Book a trial or a permanent place. When booking a trial - it is one class with a follow up link to book a permanent class – this is a good option if your child would like to try it out first. A permanent class is booking a place and setting up an ongoing payment plan by credit/debit card on Class For Kids booking system.

·      If you book a trial place, your place in the class is secured for 5 days.  You will receive a follow up link to accept/decline the place and set up your payment plan (card payment only). If you do not accept/decline your place & set up plan within 5 days of receiving your invitation email, we will assume you don’t wish to return and remove your child from the class/register.  If you wish to rebook you can start the process again.

·      PAYMENTS FOR NEW STARTS- Classes are paid in advance and payments are debited on the 1st of the month for the forthcoming month training.  However, if you joined mid-month, you may have attended a few classes unpaid as your 1st card payment won’t start until the 1st of the next month. These unpaid classes will be added onto your 1st card payment. Therefore your 1st card payment will be slightly higher as this will incorporate any classes attended prior to your 1st card payment in addition to the first full month.

·      Competitive gymnasts wishing to join our club should email enquiries@dynamicgymnastic.co.uk


Every gymnast who trains at dynamic must have British Gymnastics membership (renewed annually in October, runs Oct to Sep). Gymnasts can attend one trial sessions prior to arranging BG membership, this allows a trial period. It is parents’/Guardians’ responsibility to ensure gymnasts memberships are up to date.  If your child does not have a BG membership, they should not attend as are not covered by the club’s insurance or their personal insurance and you will forfeit the right to any insurance. Competitive gymnasts cannot compete unless they have a valid current BG membership.


Membership- Join and renew (british-gymnastics.org)

·      LEVEL OF INSURANCE REQUIRED- (prices at 2023 and may change) 

·      Pre School £15

·      Recreational £22

·      Competitive £46

Any queries should be directed straight to British Gymnastics' helpful customer service line on 0345 1297129 or can be contacted by email on customersupport@british-gymnastics.org


·      Arrive at least 5/10 minutes prior to class.

·      Gymnasts should go to the toilet prior to class (particularly pre school gymnasts)

·      Remove all Jewellery.

·        All long hair should be tied back. 

·      Please use the Ravenscraig centre’s changing rooms & lockers to prepare for class & store away any shoes/clothing.

·      Any personal belonging’s left within the cubes at the DGA gym entrance is left at your own discretion and we take no responsibility for these items.

·      Please note you should not enter the cube/entrance area until the start time of your class. Coaches have 5 minutes at the beginning of each class should anyone wish to leave shoes/jackets in that area. To keep gymnasts safe we try to avoid congestion in the entrance area.

·      Do not enter gym until your class is ready to start & your class time is called by your coach.


·        Gymnasts should bring water in a non-spill bottle

·        Parents/Guardians of pre-school gymnasts must be available outside the gym to escort their child to the toilet if required

·        Older gymnasts can use the toilet inside our gym independently. If you feel your child needs assistance, you must inform the coach at the beginning of each class and be available outside the hall to escort your child to the toilet if required.

·        Coaches have 5 minutes at the start of each class to ensure everyone is prepared, explain the class content & take registers.

·        Coaches have 5 minutes at the end of the class to give out any rewards & disperse the class. Should you wish to receive an update on your child’s progress please chat to your child’s coach during this time. (please respect their times though as they have a busy schedule, you can also email enquiries@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk if you require any further information)

·        Gymnasts aged 10 and under must be collected at the door at the end of the session.

·        Gymnasts over the age of 10yrs can leave at the end of the session without parent supervision. If you do not wish your child to leave the class unsupervised, please inform the coach at the beginning of each class.


·        All gymnasts should wear appropriate gymnastics attire.

·        Gymnasts must be barefoot (verruca/warts covered by appropriate socks)

·        All clothing must be clearly marked with gymnast’s name to avoid confusion/loss of garments.

·        Dynamic clothing and leotards are available to purchase - QR codes which link to the online order forms can be found at the entrance to the gym or click this link Clothing | Dynamic Gymnastics Academy


·        BOTTLES – for Hygiene purposes, we do not retain water bottles. These must be taken at the end of the session or they are disposed of.

·        CLOTHING – any items of clothing left in our gym are kept in the lost and found box at the door for a period of maximum 1 month. Parents can check this box at any time. Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity.


·        Parents are responsible for gymnasts prior to the class commencing & after dispersion.

·        Dynamic has a duty of care and are responsible for the gymnast’s safety throughout the sessions.

·        Gymnastics has an inherent risk of injury. We strive to minimise those risks wherever possible.

·        Dynamic & the Sports facility have onsite trained first aiders.


·      We strive to create a positive learning experience for all. All parents & gymnasts must conduct themselves in accordance with our club culture and values. 

·      As a very last resort any parent or gymnast continually behaving in a manner converse to our culture & values will be suspended or removed from our programme. This is to protect our culture and the positive experience of our gymnasts and staff (payments are still applicable during periods of suspension to retain place).

·      Coaches reserve the right to remove gymnasts from a session if they are having disruptive behaviours and negatively effecting others session.

Any decisions with regards to suspensions or exclusions will not be taken lightly as this is not the aim of Dynamic Gymnastics Academy. 


·        Payments are dependant on the classes in which your gymnast participates.  Parents with multiple children/sessions will pay for all sessions on one card payment.

·        Classes are paid one month in advance.

·        New starts have a slight increased 1st payment to cover unpaid classes (please see above in the JOINING section for further info)

·        Payments are paid via card payments on class4kids on the 1st of every Month.

·        If your child is offered additional classes, the cost will be relayed to you prior to you accepting/declining those sessions.

·        Payments must be kept up to date.  

·        If monthly payment has not been received & your child does not attend the 1st week of the month and we have not been notified via email the reason for the absence, the child will be removed from class and place offered to a child from the waiting list.

·        If anyone has difficulty making payments, we always strive to implement other arrangements to avoid cancellation as we understand our gymnasts don't want to miss their class. This may be include alteration of class time or coach. We encourage you to get in touch at enquiries@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk to discuss & make arrangements. It is never our aim to cancel classes and we will only do so as a last resort. We will support gymnasts / families as much as possible to maintain their participation.

·        All fees cover 40-50 weeks training per year, we aim to provide the full 50 weeks per year (closing 2 x weeks at Christmas and Bank holidays (Easter, May & Sep).

·        Cancelled classes and Bank holidays will not be refunded and are included in the 40-50 quota.

·        In the unfortunate event that we do not have access to our facility or have Government restrictions/lockdowns e.g. during the corona-virus pandemic, our services will resume online via zoom platform. Payments will continue, even if you choose not to participate online as this is the only way we can sustain the club/business. We will not offer refunds, if you no longer wish to continue, you should cancel your booking to stop future payments. This is out-with our control and we would aim to resume normal sessions within the facility at the earliest time possible.

·        To ensure we can continue to provide the standard of classes we aim to, we will apply an automatic small annual increase to our fees on the 1st of April which correlates to inflation.

·        It is our aim to keep increases to a minimum at approx. 1.5%, but inflation rates may force us into a financial situation where the increase could be above 1.5%. Any annual increases above 1.5% will be communicated to you prior to 1st April each year via the registered email address on the Class For Kids account. We strive to avoid any increases above 1.5%.


·        Any events will be emailed & on our Facebook/Instagram pages, parents are advised to check this weekly for regular updates.

·        We require parental consent to include gymnasts in our social media posts, and this is part of the terms and conditions when making your booking. Please ensure that you have specified this when booking or sign into your class for kids account to update your permissions..


·        We shall send all communication via email to the address we have on file, please make sure any changes are updated on your Class For Kids account. It is possible to have one email address per gymnast on file.

·        All communications should be emailed to enquiries@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk (social media apps, and phones are not monitored)

·        If you wish to arrange a telephone conversation, please email to book an appointment and one of our staff will arrange to call you.


·        We do not close during school holidays.

·        We close for 2 weeks at Christmas & Bank holidays (Easter, May & Sep) and this is included in the yearly amount of the fees, so monthly fees do not need to be altered. 

·        Gymnasts' fees should be paid every month and not cancelled at holiday periods; if this happens they will be removed from class register when the subscription is cancelled.


·        We require at least four weeks’ paid notice of cancelation in writing to enquiries@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk

·        Your final payment will include your 4 weeks notice period and we will cancel future payments from the end date of your notice period.

·        Payment cards should not be cancelled


·        Parents are permitted to use the viewing windows, unless a notice states they are closed ie for specific training or level reviews. Please respect that parents should only take on a supportive roll and under no circumstances should you attempt to coach or communicate with the gymnast during training sessions. If coaches feel parent presence has a negative effect on gymnasts, the parent may be asked not to use the viewing windows.

·        Taking photographs or videos of the gymnasts is strictly prohibited.  If you wish to have any photos of your child taken for a special occasion, please ask the coach to do this for you.

·        We understand that parents/guardians sometimes wish to enquire about gymnasts’ progression/progress. Please feel free to approach coaches at the end of the session for a quick chat/update, otherwise progress updates can be sought by emailing enquiries@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk. 


Our Safeguarding Officer is Suzy Miller. Suzy will be available to speak to coaches, parents and gymnasts regarding any welfare issues and can be contacted on 07880763932.


Please contact us via email. We aim to reply within 48hrs but please allow up to 5 days for response due to volume. We welcome all feedback and contact from parents/families/gymnasts.

Admin: enquiries@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk

Head Coach, Sarah Scott: sarah@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk

Safeguarding Officer, Suzy Miller: cpo@dynamicgymnastics.co.uk 07880763932

Website: www.dynamicgymnasticsacademy.com